Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Robert Pattinson, White Demon Stormy Mix

Fabulous video by the even more fabulous petitbiel!!!  Her Rob videos are legendary in my book!

New Moon Spoof Trailer

For anyone with a sense of humor about Twilight and New Moon!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hopelessy Devoted to you

That's some wicked ass voodoo you got there Mr. Pattinson.  I don't know how much more I can take.  But I'm sure I will find some way to put my big girl panties on (only hoping you will rip them off) and deal with your infinite hotness.  The thing that gets to me the most is that you are just as beautiful on the inside as you are the outside.  I have never found myself wanted to take care of someone outside of my own children like I want to take care of you.  You are making your way in this world in a bright blaze of light.  I hope and pray that it is your beautiful soul that will always keep that light of yours shining!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Robert Pattinson Grows Up....Finally!!!

So I got to see this trailer in Full Screen glory at "New Moon" yesterday.

Good Bye Edward Cullen...Hello Tyler Roth!!!

Remember Me....In theatres March 12, 2010

Go....Run....do not walk!!!! Support Rob Pattinson away from the Twilight franchise!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Driving me to drink...

Dear Rob....please....stop killing me.  I can't take much more of this.....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Call me Cleopatra....Queen of Denial......

So I am lying here thinking about how I want to be laying in the crook of this gorgeous angel's body and I realize the look on his face totally describes how I feel right now. 

So it's been up for rabid discussion again as to whether Rob and Kristen are an item or not.  I for one find it to be extremely hilarious that I get accused of being in denial because all the "proof" is there.  I was accused of not caring about Rob and what made him happy.  I was shocked by that accusation.

However, earlier today on the other end of the spectrum, I found to to be extremely hypocritcal of those who accused us Nonstens of hating Rob, hating Kristen....that when it first came out that Rob, the man himself, said that he and Kristen weren't dating, the Robstenites chose to say that Rob was saying that purely due to the studio and money reasons.  Geez ladies....how dare you to belittle Rob to say that he can't even think for himself?  Who appointed you all the trustees of his happiness?  Last time I checked the man had free will.

And Rob continually chooses to show his free will by denouncing studio recommended "media training".  Rob was fired from a job because of HIS interpretation of a character.  Once again...HIS choices. Not the studios, not yours and most definately not mine.

Now before all of you go completely ballistic on me...and I'm sure it may happen, I believe that Rob and Kristen ARE together.  She is the safest person he could be dating right now.  The only one who can put up with all this bullshit.

Kristen Stewart is a beautiful and talented actress.  I don't know either her or Rob personally and I wish them the best.  I just wish all the hypocrisy on both sides would just go the fuck away.

Just one woman's opinion.  Not wrong. Not right.  Just mine.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I want your hands on me Robert Pattinson

Great Hands....great song...enough said!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Robert Pattinson IS Porn

I was treated to this lovely little video of Rob Pattinson...er the sum of the parts of Rob Pattinson and about died!  Be warned...your panties will explode...specially on the last shot of the video....Enjoy my lovelies!

I'm gonna watch it again and again and again.......

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hauntingly Beautiful

Oh Rob....everyday a new photo comes out and I die just a little bit more.

Happy Rob Day everyone!

Friday, October 2, 2009

I love 80's Music ANONYMOUS One Shot Contest

Okay....So it's not Rob Pattinson, but my very first Brit crush who literally starred in all my virginal fantasies...until "Hungry Like the Wolf" cashed my "V" card... LOL!!!

I've written an one shot for the "I love 80's Music ANONYMOUS CONTEST"

Read, review....VOTE!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

We need to talk...

Well Hello Gorgeous,

Yeah, that's right. I'm talking to you.
Well good! It looks like I have your attention.
See I think you don't understand just how many problems you have been causing.
Sure, Sure you can sit there and look all sad, but that only makes it worse.
Listen, I know it's got to suck being stuck in a hotel room with no chance to go out and do anything normal. I feel for ya. Hell, I wouldn't mind keeping you company. But darling, you need to get a good press agent to put a positive spin on the things that are being said about you. Endless conversations, heated discussions and friendships are being tested about what the hell is going on with you. Yeah, you are my life now. Pathetic isn't it? So do us all a favor Mr. Steamy Blue Eyes McHotness, throw your fans a bone! We need to hear from the man himself.
Oh, and even if it's not what I want to hear...I will still adore you!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The end of the Road?

Today I am mourning the loss of some really good friends. I am running on very little sleep and I'm just wanting to sink into that black, dreamless hole of oblivion to get away from the pain.
My pride and anger caused me to do something so incredibly rash that now I feel as if the earth has stopped spinning, my heart has stopped beating and I stand alone knowing it was all my fault.
Friends are a precious commodity. Don't turn your backs on them in a moment of anger like I did. Trust me....it fucking hurts like sliding down a razor blade only to land in a pool of rubbing alcohol.
I only hope in time they can find it in their hearts to forgive me....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gallery of infinate hotness!!!!

Dear God....
Have I told you lately how much I have to praise you for this? This beautiful work of art that constantly reminds me of how great you are? Thank you! Oh....Thank You!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Judging a man by the company he keeps!

Dear Rob,

They say a lot can be said about a man by the company he keeps. Well on Monday night, August 3, 2009 I got to meet some of your best friends. Can I just say how impressed I was with them?

Seriously....Sam is an amazing performer. He really knows how to connect with a crowd and I was feeling so lucky to witness and be a part of such an experience.

What made the experience even better? Marcus Foster.

Marcus got on stage with Sam and played a couple of songs with him. We were all treated to a wonderful impromptu jam session and just got swept away by the absolute joy of music that these two friends share!

Thanks Rob for introducing us to some wonderfully talented, funny, warm, gifted and genuine people! Says a lot about who you are....I am forever in your debt!

Laura, Marcus Foster and Me!!!

Sam Bradley and I - Austin 2009

Sam gives great hugs!!!

Sam signing a poster for a friend of mine!!

I puffy heart you Sam Bradley!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Dear Rob....
It's bad enough that you've tortured me non freaking stop for the last 35 days shooting "Remember Me."
Yeah. No problem here remembering you Sweet Cheeks.
But do you have to keep doing photo shoots like this? I mean seriously....I about damn near passed out when I saw these today!
Thank God this old cougar had her delicious young boy toy near by. Boy toy said to thank you by the way....
I guess I also owe you a debt of gratitude as well. See, I was having total writer's block on my story on a freaking lemon of all things. Yeah...writer's block was blown into oblivion today! Now my poor brain is inundated with all the insanely hot images of wet, rough looking and just sinfully sexy you. We're talking baskets of fucking lemons!
So, off I go to pick my favorite lemon...see ya between the sheets later Baby!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Barking Mad

There are some days that aren't even worth chewing through the restraints.

Last night was not one of them. Seems as if some of the inmates escaped Cracker Box palace.

They may seem normal in public, but hidden behind carefully placed avatar and what they consider to be witty profile names, lurks the heart of evil.

Now the Robkats have been known for their share of snark. But deep down all we truly strive for is Peace, Love, Happiness and Rob!!!

But lately we have had what Rob would call "infiltrators" causing fuckery on our favorite place to Robsess.

MAJOR FUCKERY!!! You don't attack peeps personally on the blog, on reviews for videos or reviews for fan fiction. That is just evidence of utter lack of class and intelligence.

We were all put on this planet (unfortunately for some) to try and get along.

I'm going to try...Not promising anything...

I just want Peace, Love and Rob. More importantly...I just love Rob to peices!!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Make Me Smile

So yeah.... I just had to do it. He has been giving me thrills and chills all week! Thanks Rob Pattinson for making a gal smile...Come see me anytime!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

And....now the apology after the hysteria....

So peeps...it was the one pap who caused the misery of today. From other eyewitness accounts, the fans were more than respectful. My apologies.

Please understand that I find this incredibly talented young man to be charismatic, funny, and so freaking normal it's adorable.

I loathe the idea that this business will jade him. That fans and paps will cause him to turn his back on all of us before we get to witness the full brilliance of his white hot talent.

Rob...you have legions of fans who think the world of you. Please don't let the assholes who make a living off of you color your opinion on what the fans really want from you.

I'm happy enough with publicity stills, thumbnails from interviews, movie trailers...etc.

I am going to have to learn not to support the paps and their god awful intrusions. Someone get me to a 12 step program for Rob Pattinson photos stat!!!!



I am so fucking pissed at the sick, twisted, hormonally challenged twifucks who seem to think that Robert Pattinson is public property and not a person. A REAL LIVE PERSON!!!!

A person who can get killed by a taxicab because he is running from your idiot peabrained antics of trying to attack him! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING!!!!????????????????

I hope to God when you stupid bitches go to bed tonight that you hang your head in shame. I hope that the picture of Rob Pattinson getting clipped by a cab because he was running from your stupid ass haunts you as you try to sleep.

How fucking dare you! How dare you give those of us who respect him first and foremost for the loving, gently human being that he is a bad name because now his fans are sure to be painted with the same digusting brush.

Congratulations. You just chased him away. Perhaps once his committments are done he will turn his back on us forever. Are you proud of yourself? Was it worth it?

I have such a bitter taste in my mouth for stupidity......

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One year later....

One year later....
This time last year I was new to my obsession with all things Twilight and Robert Pattinson.
Now I feel almost alienated to a certain degree. My friends don't understand why this has gone on as long as it has.
I once congratulated myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something new. Now I feel ineffectual, angry, hurt, and confused.
I have had a lot of fun over the last year but I am starting to have feelings of resentment that I just can't shake. Maybe it's time to quit.
Rob....I will never quit you. You have a fan in me for as long as you need me. You have my support.
Maybe I should just take a page from your book and keep slogging on through all the crap. Every once a while something happens that makes it all worth it. Right now though...not so much.
Let me hear from you if you even happen to read this post. I'm curious if any of you have ever felt the same way......
P.S. This photo just kills me. He's so etherally beautiful in this shot!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Celebrating Rob's Glory at Cannes

The major influx of pictures at Cannes 2009 inspired me to make this video. I wanted something quick and easy at my fingertips to be able to stare at his Holy Freaking Hotness with a really groovy song attached to it. It's my form of Rob Crack. It's addicting really!!!

Hope you all enjoy my feeble attempts to entertain you. It served its purpose of entertaining the living hell out of my while being laid up with strep throat!

Now...when are those first pix from Italy going to start appearing?........

Oh and yeah...that song that rocks the video...Muse's "Feeling Good".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This should be illegal.............

It should be illegal for someone to be this freaking hot. I have just spent the last 15 minutes literally weeping over the beauty of this man. I cannot believe that he has this effect on me!!! What the hell is wrong with me. I have a lovely significant other (who is significantly the same age as Rob) that I find to be sexy, adorable, fun.....

But Holy Jesus, this man sets my soul alight. What would happen to me if I ever met him in person? I hope that I would at least have enough class to make sure that I have a napkin to wipe away an excessive drooling that may occur. Having a long string of spit fall down across my breasts may be hot in a porno movie....but not if you are standing in front of this Greek God!!!

So I sit here and wonder how long this beautiful star is going to shine in the heavens of my universe? I am hoping it will be a very long time. He has wit, genuine humility, loads of talent, and a family that supports him and loves him dearly. He seems to make friends for life and that quality alone makes him even sexier. What I wouldn't give to be a friend of Robert Pattinson.....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday My Future Ex-Husband to Be!!!

So WOW!!!

Big day Doggie Daddy!!!

You just turned 23!!!


Now I don't feel so bad admiring your incredibly firm, gravity defying ass, that lovely peaches and cream Brit skin, fingers of legendary mythology (I'm sure all of us would suffer Le Petit Morte gladly and LOUDLY at the diabolical touch of those fingers...) SEX HAIR DELUXE....

Your wicked ass grin alone causes puddle knickers....And lets not forget the lusty laugh that seems to come from your socks!!!! SO FREAKING HOT!!!

How does it feel to be the speculation of such tawdry gossip?

How does it feel to be the star of some really disturbing fantasies of mine involving Melissa Rosenberg?

Trust me...that is a topic for another blog posting.....

GAH!!! I am rambling...I keep getting lost in the HAWTNESS that is you. But all physical (and all Funland Adventure filled nonstop thrill action) attributes aside...

I love you for your brain. Yep. I said it people!! I love him for his brain. He has a nonstop, unfiltered, knee jerk reaction for everything!

If that isn't FUCKHOT....I don't know what is.....


Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Cullen Boys are killing me!

So...yeah....Can you tell I'm jonesing for "NEW MOON"? I've spent so much time looking for pictures that just rock my socks off! These pix are just totes sublime!!!
Just thought I spread (ha ha! I said "spread") some Cullen Boy hawtness!!! FUCKHAWTNESS!

Fade Into You

So, I was thinking that the Robster's birthday is coming up. What to do....what to do? Do I make an embarrassing video of myself gushing how hot I think he is and that I think he farts rainbows and sunshine and the birds are singing....

Oh Hell to the NO! Rob deserves more than a fangurl squee from me. Rob my darling...I would so love to fade into you...

Happy Birthday Hotness! I just adore you!

Much XOXO!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

How To Be

How cute is this face? How gorgeous is this man? I couldn't agree more with Goz (my GO TO ROB GODDESS!!!) from the fab-u-lous blog "Robsessed!" that people shouldn't have copied this movie and put it out there for free.

The makers of this movie deserve so much more respect than what is being given to them. I hate that people will go to lengths to obtain newly released movies without having to pay the full amount of admission to a movie. Would it fucking kill you to get your lazy ass out of bed and go to an early matinee for $5.oo?

Seriously...I don't want to take money out of Rob's pocket, or his co-stars pocket, or any hard working individual who gave their time, talent and hard work to bring this lovely project to us.

No. I haven't seen the film. I've seen clips, I've heard from friends. I had the worst case of guilt ever when I downloaded "TWILIGHT" for free. I won't make the same mistake again.....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hotter than Hell

Just had to add this little video I made. The latest pix of Rob have been killing me. I thought the music was appropriate. Can't wait to see my man sans shirt under the clock tower in New Moon!!! Ooooh La la!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thanks Easter Bunny!!!

Thanks Easter Bunny!!
It's a New Moon in Vancouver and Edward Cullen has been resurrected!! Isn't that the meaning of Easter to all Twi-hards and RPattz fans everywhere?
I know I've been searching the web far and wide for lots more Edward Cullen goodies to stash into my basket to gloat over on Easter Morning.
RPattz is better than chocolate any day. The only better would be RPattz covered in chocolate and allowing me to nibble an ear here or there!!!
So once again I'm entering into the heady, dizzying anticipation of Twi-mania....
Thank God for my fav support group and my favorite blog!! No, not mine peeps (ha ha...get it?)! Robsessed!!! Even though there have been some rocky times there lately with some major personality clashes, the fact remains that it is still one of my favorite places to visit everyday. Any blog that can successfully bring me the RPattz heat with such quality and good taste is a place you will always find me!!! My hat is off to the good women who can deliver such witty bon mots with such proper crassness.
Too much time is spent on the web and other blogs wasting precious space filling the minds of those who can't seem to think for themselves and figure out when something is utter crap and something is purely sincere.
Robsessed is pure WIN. Show some respect for Rob and show some respect for our blog and you will always be welcome!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sex in Tight Pants

Thursday, March 12 was a day in which my retinas were completely scorched (along with my panties) by this image.

Now, I ask you...don't you think that if you were to open up a dictionary and look up the word "SIN", that this picture would be next to the definition?

This man is ULTIMATE SIN. I can't seem to function. He just gets hotter by the damn minute and I have hormones and brain cells that are frying at an alarming rate.

Robert Thomas Pattinson you are undoubtedly the hottest, long, lean speciman of male sexuality that I have ever drooled over in my life. And I've been on this planet twice as long as you have. You've got not only me but a group of really wonderful women so worked up that we're plotting and planning ways to get to Vancouver just to see you!!!

I used to consider myself to be quite a rational person, but I am traversing in a spiral of lust, madness, frivolity, sillness and outright crazy. You, Sir, make me feel like a teenager again. You, Sir, are one of the reasons I am dating someone your age. You, Sir........kill me. ** THUD **

Thank you ....I think. No....REALLY!!!! THANK YOU!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dazzled By You!

It was a Sunday night filled with anticipation. Robert Pattinson had arrived back on American soil. Yes, that's right ladies...our smooth ass Brit is back!
I arrived home, breathless with anticipation! The Red Carpet was rocking! Ryan Seacrest was schmoozing, oozing and just plain out cruising....
Up steps Mr. Robert Fucking Pattinson in the background. The collective scream heard round the world was from the RobKats. That's right y'all...we caused that Tsunami.....
There he was in all his Dolce glory! Long Live the SEX HAIR! Unicorns were set free that night....
Needless to say...three and half fucking glorious hours of brooding cheekbones and cheeky smiles was enough to send this cougar over the edge....
Mr. Pattinson...Welcome to Hollywood! Thank you for bringing true elegance, wit, charm and the perfect amount of self deprecation that makes all the women in the world wanna line up just to help you to reaffirm just how fucking hot you are....
You are in for one hell of a ride Mister!!! Just remind me to buckle my seat belt and I will follow you anywhere!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Freaking Valentines Day Gorgeous!

GAH! I rolled over this morning and this is what I saw. What a way to spend a Valentine's Day! Johnny Sex Hair was in fine form....
Happy Valentine's Day Rob...I heart you so hard!
One of these days you will fall in love with my absolute madness and will devote yourself to my every pleasure. You will submit to all my cougar glory and gloat with pride that I am all yours.
One day....I'll quit drinking so much!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You are under my power...now bark like a dog!

It's the eyes....I swear it's the eyes! They draw you in, they undress you, they make you think crazy insane thoughts. Yes Rob, I'll bark like a dog for you. I'll volunteer to clean up your dandruff. I promise to keep you and Tom entertained and stocked in beer, cigarettes and hot pockets. I'll do your laundry for you so that the two pair of black pants that you own will always be clean. GAH!!! I am your slave you insanely gorgeous, fantastically witty, incredibly smart, undeniably talented gift from God!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So many Edwards, so little time.

I am currently caught up in a miasma of Edward Cullens. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just becoming so overwhelming.
This huge spate of Edwards is a result of spending countless hours reading fan fiction, writing fan fiction, staring at pictures such as this one, which in turn leads me back to the fan fiction again.
The current crop of lovely Edwards that I have personally become acquainted with are Dark Edward, Evil Edward, Skittles Edward, the list goes on and on. I'm caught up writing my own Edward in a fan fiction story. I am having to force myself to think about Edward and Robert Pattinson all day. It's just a sacrifice that as an author, I have to make for the dear readers. I love you Babbles.....
So, once again I'm getting ready to step back into Edward's head and heart. Let me tell y'all...I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Waste of Time Rebuttal

So imagine the hurt, the anger and the betrayal that someone who you thought you respected, liked, possibly admired turned out to be a complete patholigical liar who liked nothing better than to manipulate the emotions of those around her just to get attention.

I had enough college psychology too to know that emotional manipulation is also a form of addiction. It's one thing to blow me off. No problem. There was no big blow up, just the small hiss of hot air slipping it's way out of an overinflated balloon.

But when my friends, and a place that I have come to cherish not only because of Robert Pattinson, but because I have made some truly wonderful, honest, down to earth, genuinely loving people who I feel blessed enough to call my friends come under attack from an attention grabbing maniac...BACK THE FUCK DOWN!

That blog is not a waste of time. And funnily enough even though I supposedly have "an unhealthy obsession", I manage to teach Sunday School, serve on three separate church committees and volunteer my time , and raise two boys as a single mother.

Check your wording honey..."Could have". Fucking do it!

I feel sorry for you. You were reached out to by so many. Now you stand alone.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Telegram for Rob Pattinson....

Dear Mr. Pattinson, (stop)

Please be advised that your lengthy absence from the public eye is causing undue stress amongst your fans. (stop)

Harsh words, negative feelings and non-stop cravings for sex hair are at an all time high. (stop)

All American fans can appreciate the bone that you threw to your British fans when you appeared to perform at the Soho nightclub, but let's remember 1776 shall we? (stop)

"The peasants are revolting!" You said it sister...those Twilight Moms scare me! (stop)

It would be advisable for you to make an appearance on American soil before heading to Vancouver to shoot "New Moon" (sigh) (stop, no really stop....I'm not kidding here!)

If we could stop hormonal teenagers from screaming their lungs out onto the floor, we would. (stop). However, seeing as you are playing in your words "The Hottest Vampire Ever", we can not guarantee any such thing. (stop)

When booking your flight to the United States, please be sure to post your itinerary to Robsessed blog. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. We wish you best health, Hot Pockets, and Peach Snapple. (stop)

Very Truly Yours, (stop)

Jewels64 (stop)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year Mr. Pattinson! Now where's my fucking kiss?

Ah yes...the New Year...time to reflect. Wait what day is it? It's the 13th already. Shit...where did the time go? Ah yes...searching, neverending searching for you Rob. Aw honey, I know you needed a break, but you're breaking my heart.

You sly wicked "dick". You know what you are doing aren't you? You warned all of us that you could be of the major asshole persuasion. You build us all up and get us hot and bothered. You made me and other women feel as if we were the only two people who mattered in this world. Then you fucking go and disappear! Do you realize what you have done?

I am having to resort to watching old youtube videos, make my own videos, encourage my friends to make videos. I write fan fiction (Twilight and Rob porn), I read fan fiction (Twilight and Rob porn). I obsess nightly about you with a wicked, intelligent, witty bunch of women who would be so much better company for you than any starlet, groupie skank or Twilight Mom.

Give a girl a break honey. I need to see something new! My obsession is in overdrive. It's spilling out into all aspects. Can I just tell you how excited I am about the fucking month of March? "Little Ashes", Filming of "New Moon", "TWILIGHT" dvd release... I'll be in hormonal overdrive.

C'mon Rob...slide on out for a while! This girls needs a fix.......