Sunday, September 6, 2009

We need to talk...

Well Hello Gorgeous,

Yeah, that's right. I'm talking to you.
Well good! It looks like I have your attention.
See I think you don't understand just how many problems you have been causing.
Sure, Sure you can sit there and look all sad, but that only makes it worse.
Listen, I know it's got to suck being stuck in a hotel room with no chance to go out and do anything normal. I feel for ya. Hell, I wouldn't mind keeping you company. But darling, you need to get a good press agent to put a positive spin on the things that are being said about you. Endless conversations, heated discussions and friendships are being tested about what the hell is going on with you. Yeah, you are my life now. Pathetic isn't it? So do us all a favor Mr. Steamy Blue Eyes McHotness, throw your fans a bone! We need to hear from the man himself.
Oh, and even if it's not what I want to hear...I will still adore you!!