Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Judging a man by the company he keeps!

Dear Rob,

They say a lot can be said about a man by the company he keeps. Well on Monday night, August 3, 2009 I got to meet some of your best friends. Can I just say how impressed I was with them?

Seriously....Sam is an amazing performer. He really knows how to connect with a crowd and I was feeling so lucky to witness and be a part of such an experience.

What made the experience even better? Marcus Foster.

Marcus got on stage with Sam and played a couple of songs with him. We were all treated to a wonderful impromptu jam session and just got swept away by the absolute joy of music that these two friends share!

Thanks Rob for introducing us to some wonderfully talented, funny, warm, gifted and genuine people! Says a lot about who you are....I am forever in your debt!

Laura, Marcus Foster and Me!!!

Sam Bradley and I - Austin 2009

Sam gives great hugs!!!

Sam signing a poster for a friend of mine!!

I puffy heart you Sam Bradley!!!

1 comment:

Tess said...

Jules - I'm so happy you were able to finally meet Kat and Laura.

The pictures are great and you look absolutely radiant!
