Sunday, February 1, 2009

So many Edwards, so little time.

I am currently caught up in a miasma of Edward Cullens. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just becoming so overwhelming.
This huge spate of Edwards is a result of spending countless hours reading fan fiction, writing fan fiction, staring at pictures such as this one, which in turn leads me back to the fan fiction again.
The current crop of lovely Edwards that I have personally become acquainted with are Dark Edward, Evil Edward, Skittles Edward, the list goes on and on. I'm caught up writing my own Edward in a fan fiction story. I am having to force myself to think about Edward and Robert Pattinson all day. It's just a sacrifice that as an author, I have to make for the dear readers. I love you Babbles.....
So, once again I'm getting ready to step back into Edward's head and heart. Let me tell y'all...I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!

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