Thursday, October 30, 2008

Heart pounding, hysteria producing humble hotness

I just can't stand it anymore. I feel like everytime a see a new picture of Rob, that my heart is literally going to burst out of my chest. He is a killer and doesn't even know it. Do I feel this way because we are all very guilty of doing a great job of whipping each other up into a frenzy?

How do you think you would deal if you were in the same situation? People screaming at the mere sight of you (okay, you haven't seen me in the morning. Thats pretty damn scary!).

We're going to have reports of young girls fainting (hell I may join them, he does bring on the vapors!), hysterical crying, pushing themselves to get to his car. I like my little Rob fantasies. They make me feel warm and fuzzy. I don't like the panic feeling that is starting to build.

I want him safe. I want him happy. I want for him to have so much success without having to pay a major price. He shows it in every interview how self effacing he is.

Okay Robkats! Lets solemnly swear to protect this precious hot commodity! Give him your support, give him your love, but lets give the man some room! Preferably mine!


Lynn said...

I give my solemn promise to send out only positive thoughts and help to watch out for our very British boy, Rob.

Also, I hope that those closest to him are doing the same.

Like the tagline from How To Be....Sometimes we all need a little help.

Great blog!


Tess said...

I definitely hope he manages to preserve who he is in the future. Sometimes I feel like I'm insane to even write or think this? I mean seriously!! I don't even know the man! How can I possibly even go on about "him preserving who he is"? BUT what is so very unique about him (and why we're all Ga Ga) is that he DOES share so much of himself (insight to the person) when he gives interviews. he's soo unscripted, unsure at times, and funky. And that's what I hope never changes..

I'm sure he has people telling him "Dude... you shouldn't say stuff like that... it's too personal, or it doesn't fit our marketing"

I DO promise Jewels, to only make harmless remarks and infatuate from a safe distance.. so help me God :)

babbles said...

I too give my solemn promise to gawk in awe from afar and always hope for the best for Robert, He deserve the attention for his art and deserved to have a life beyond that... He is beautiful in so many ways and I hope he doesn't ever loose touch of his quirky self...
And although I know we all are straight out dumbfoundidly attracted to him, But we also respect him and appreciate his work and person, I again think that is where the bond began...
