Monday, October 20, 2008


my So once again all the blogs and the gossip pages are lighting up with pix of our boy Rob out cavorting to the wee hours with hot lovelies that seem to be putting the 20 somethings into a jealous lather.

Really?...At 20 are your lives so boring that you spend your time bitching about who Rob dates. I'm in my 40's darlings...I lived my life in my 20's. I was out to all hours, drinking, dancing...., and then getting up to go to work! Work hard! Play Hard!

I love that you feel that you must share your petty almost teenage angst over someone who doesn't even know you exist on line. GET A FREAKIN LIFE! Get out, have fun, then post something that might be the least bit interesting.

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering...I do have a life, had a freaking fantastic time in my youth, and now look back with some regrets and a lot of fondness. Now I finally have the time to blog because after having 2 children, I can slow down and write when my children are asleep.

Are you all trying to grasp your tenuous 15 minutes of fame? Good Luck my friends. It's only when you knuckle down and try to do something worthwhile (like practice your acting craft/music talent like a certain very talented actor we know), you might just actually make a difference and truly influence someone.

For those of you trying to be the next Lauren, Audrina, Heidi or whoever... go to school...learn something!


Tess said...

Hey Jules - great post.

But even though the "He's dating her, No he's not" comments are really frustrating & just pointless, considering they're arguing back an forth about someone they will probably never call a friend, let alone boyfriend. I can completely understand why they get so involved.

He's affected them. He affects me for God sake! He has that special something which insists you take a 2nd look... and then makes you linger...

We have the benefit of life experience on our side, these 14 to 20 somethings just aren't equipped to cope with it the strong emotions he's awakening.

I can understand (but not agree) a bit better with their constant need to lurk on profiles and speculate when I remember their age. Perhaps it's just the Libra in me. I can always see both sides, and then spend way too much time arguing @ it with myself. so sad.

Jewels64 said...

Tess, you are my earth (?) sign to my water sign. Thanks for keeping me grounded. All my pisces sensibilities just get a little outta whack sometimes.

But, when I was their age, we were all piled in a car, cruising through shopping strip parking lots looking so like something out of "Dazed and Confused".

Hey here's a bit of trivia for ya: I used to date the guy who had the cameo as the beer delivery man in that movie!

I need to write an autobiograpy! I've had so much fun, crazy, wildly insane stuff happen in my life!

Lynn said...


I cannot formulate a straight thought right now and kept thinking of this Smiths song as it's relates to your blog. It's kind of fitting, except for the star being dead. Need sleepy--enjoy!

Paint A Vulgar Picture

At the record company party
On their hands - a dead star
The sycophantic slags all say :
"I knew him first, and I knew him well"

Re-issue ! Re-package ! Re-package !
Re-evaluate the songs
Double-pack with a photograph
Extra Track (and a tacky badge)

A-list, playlist
"Please them , please them !"
"Please them !"
(sadly, THIS was your life)

But you could have said no
If you'd wanted to
You could have said no
If you'd wanted to

"Please them ! Please them !"
(sadly this was your life)

But you could have said no
If you'd wanted to
You could have walked away
...Couldn't you ?

I touched you at the soundcheck
You had no real way of knowing
In my heart I begged "Take me with you ...
I don't care where you're going..."

But to you I was faceless
I was fawning, I was boring
Just a child from those ugly new houses
Who could never begin to know

Who could never really know
Oh ...

Best of ! Most of !
Satiate the need
Slip them into different sleeves !
Buy both, and feel deceived

Climber - new entry, re-entry
World tour ! ("media whore")
"Please the Press in Belgium !"
(THIS was your life...)

And when it fails to recoup ?
Well, maybe :
You just haven't earned it yet, baby

I walked a pace behind you at the soundcheck
You're just the same as I am
What makes most people feel happy
Leads us headlong into harm

So, in my bedroom in those 'ugly new houses'
I danced my legs down to the knees
But me and my 'true love'
Will never meet again ...

At the record company meeting
On their hands - at last ! - a dead star !
But they can never taint you in my eyes
No, they can never touch you now

No, they cannot hurt you, my darling
They cannot touch you now
But me and my 'true love'
Will never meet again

Tess said...

Jules - I'm an air sign.. I used to cruise all the time with my BF years ago - with a bumper sticker on the back of her silver monte carlo which read.. "Good girls, go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere" Funny thing is - we were both extremely good girls (all bark, no bite-ha ha)

Lynn- Ahh Morrissey, gorgeous guy, wrong team. Great song... but a bit sad. I hope it never ever comes to this for Rob. That would be tragic.

Lynn said...

Tess--more like no team (as in reference to Morrissey)! No, I see Rob's star shining for a very long time, perhaps maybe a career mirroring Paul Newman (great roles and a long happy marriage).

Dani said...

I am feeling incredibly blessed this morning to have connected with such insightful women of varried ages and you all have truely affected me in the short time I have been writing to you.

I will say I will forever be confused as to how hateful people can be even in the blogging sense, how so quickly people are to be so crude and horrible to others just with the intention of starting something. However doesn't stop me from being slightly fasinated at how the net although it can be such a cold place out there in the World Wide Web can connect people either through anger or in our case through a mutual affection for one blessedly good looking individual.

Being a mom has made me grow up so very much. I went out a month ago with some friends to a club, and I felt so out of place. It was something I really used to enjoy, but hanging out with a bunch of single women in that atmosphere made me feel like I was 100. When i go out with my married friends it is a total 180 from that. Weird.

Lynn said...

Dani--I know what you mean completely! Years ago, I got involved with an on-line community that was a lot fun until it suddenly went from happy, happy, joy , joy to women plotting against other women. I had to shut that world off after about six months.

I saw your posts on Rob's IMDB mesaage boards page and I must say that you're quite brave to endure all those teenage responders. They are a vicious bunch!

I just want to laugh at how seriously they take certain issues and especially about who the poor guys is linked to and then they add Tom Sturridge in to the pot and it's all out war.

It makes me glad to have more complacent blogs that are free of deletion and Big Brother---I am loving my new Robsessive, hormonally challenged, TwiMILFs circle of friends!

Dani said...

Oh I was cracking up last night, it is so funny over there I find myself almost egging it on as it is so hilarious but it can be vicious. Seriously one chick really handed it to me one time but hey people need to be put in their place every now and again. Who be it of me not to be the one in a million who doesn't follow the pack and trash folks.

Although I do love that I was called a fool, a biznach and told to remove the stick from my VAGINA. Kill me now that was funny, I just went to the OBGYN and I will tell you he found no such stick up there.

babbles said...

Regarding Rob - Ha I love it, sounds like a Movie or Tv show title... Anyway - I have been contemplating all day about this, It is so strange to me that I am so very attracted to him, It's actually getting on my nerves a little, I mean really - I check the internet periodically everyday in search of images and news regarding this 22 year old guy, Who is really just a guy - Aside from the obvious Oh my god is he for real kind of Hotness, What is it about this guy??
can he even do wrong in my eyes at this point, I don't really know but I am reeling over his affect on me... Just thinking out loud...
and honestly I sorda feel like I should be better than this, I mean after all I will never meet him and I can be a fan without be obsessed, Right? Cant I? Apparently Not!!

Love the latest Post Jewels

Jewels64 said...

Dani, if your OB couldn't find the stick, he/she must have gone to the same medical school that couldn't find the bug that crawled up my ass and died there!


babbles said...

LMAO, Jewels and Dani - Your killin me!!!

Dani said...

Oh crap LMAO! He is an amazing doctor just bad eyes.

Tess said...

Brooke- I know what you mean about your Rob obsession. It makes me a bit uncomfortable around myself. GEEZ. I have never ever ever had a crush on a public figure. (It has to be due to the book right?)

Dani- I went on the boards yesterday. just to read, not to post. who have you posted on? need some support.. should we tag team? ha ha