Thursday, October 23, 2008

Definition and Side Effects of Robsessive Behavior

Robsession: (noun) An uncontrollable disease brought on by watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Bad Mothers Notebook, The Haunted Airman, deleted scenes from Vanity Fair, Videos of said actor "Robert Thomas Pattinson" that are posted by the thousands on You Tube in complete excess.

Possible side effects that result from Robsession: Incessantly checking the internet everyday just to get a "glimpse of the hair", playing one scene from The Haunted Airman over and over and over just to hear him say your name when he says "My dearest Julia", pissing off Twilight Moms and causing posting to be removed from your favorite blog site, planning ways to get out of work just so you can be one of the first to see "Twilight", plotting and planning ways to get to Portland and dressing up like sexy nurses just to catch a glimpse of his ROYAL HOTNESS WITH THAT DAMN HAIR! while they begin to film New Moon.

Does any of this sound familiar? I'm sick people. I have a fatal disease. But oh, my, the joy of his smile, the curve of his jaw, the "aw shucks" way he stands with his hands in his pockets. His plain, raw emotion filled voice when he sings! These last two months have been the worst and the best of my life.

Support groups are now springing up all over the nation for fellow sufferers to share in their disease, admit when they are helpless, and above all knowing that for many years to come we will have to suffer through fantastic performances. But the good news is is that we don't suffer alone. Welcome fellow Robsessive! You have a home here. Please feel free to confess your Rob sin at any time.


babbles said...

Ok so I need some good FanFic with some real "Edward" still a little raunchy but "Edward" Bella is not really the "Its like going down on a Rock!" kinda girl... and The Edward from my head would probably never say "On your knee's" So all though I get out of the stories the same as any other hot blooded woman I really crave some real to character kind of fantasy... Is that to much to ask!!!!

Sorry, I am a little whiney today... Ignore if you must!

Dani said...

B- Check your e-mail I am going to send you a few links.

babbles said...

Dani, Ok - I I swear to Love you for all of eternity, or whatever!!!


U Da Best!!!

Dani said...


Lynn said...

Jules---LMAO! I totally forgot that Toby's aunt was Julia---how very special is that! Yes, I definitely have my own Robsessive compulisive behaviors and my Anglophile tendencies. It's a sickness, I tell you! Well, I am off to read your fan fic!