Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Proverbial Crap hits the Fan!

Notice how I capitalized the word "Fan". We've all seen the movies where some sociopathic, emotionally deprived person stalks the object of their affection.

Mexico. Rob's appearance. RPL shutting down and re-vamping (pardon the pun) due to what's going on is only the tip of the iceburg. No Kate and Leo here. Just Rob. WE love Kristen. But this is just Rob.

Poor Rob. I don't want him to be afraid of his fans. The ones that truly appreciate his talent may make some silly crass comments, or sexual inuendo here and there, but we understand that he is own person! He does not have that annoying little copyright or trademark symbol by his name (yet).

Rob, we do love you. But I also know that if I were put in the same position, I would kinda freak out. Just don't shave your head (you'll never be forgiven for that one unless you win an Oscar) or beat up a car with a golf club while holding your latest drink from Starbucks.

You have handled it with grace, humility, humor, gentility, and probably quite a bit of fear. You have my prayers, my support, my wonderment and thanks for your talent. You have a lovely endearing quality of being so unabashed by your fame (I know it's still quite new to you. Hang in there BABY! ) We hold you dear to our hearts and pray that you will stay true to who you are!


Tess said...

Lovely jules.. Just lovely.

I envy the people who have had the opportunity to meet him up until now. His popularity is building (and not gradually) His fandom is going to explode, and let's hope in the process, he doesn't implode!

Let's be realistic. He won't be able to be so approachable in the future. the possible danger to his person and other people will be just to great of a risk.

(sigh) Makes me wistful.

babbles said...

I agree, Robert will slowly distance himself from fans to keep some kind of sanity, It would think he would tired of not ever being able to let his guard down, What is even more interesting to me than any of this is that I care! I mean I never felt sorry for anyone famous before, I always looked at it as they chose the life and they are rich... But with Rob I feel bad for him, and I desperatly want him to hold on to who he is now!!! Probably wishful thinking but that is what I want for him...

MiCh said...

Oh, I totally agree with you, girls!
The other day I was talking with a friend about my ROBsession, and I said that all this media madness is worrying me a lot, the Twilight phenomenon, the crazy fans.. Poor Rob!
I'm asking God that Rob NEVER lost his grace, humility, weird sense of humor and common sense and all those things that have made us to be in love with him. I'd die if that happened, if someday we'd see pics of Rob completely drunk, dating stupid girls or any other shit.
Please Rob, stay true to who you are. If you need to take a sabbatical, DO NOT hesitate! We will be here waiting for you, the REAL you! ;)