Friday, November 21, 2008


At first I was excited to hear that the Twilight cast was going to be touring, giving autographs, answering Q & A sessions. Then the nightmare began. The fans were totally raped by Hot Topic and their accessory to commit rape - Summit Entertainment. I was livid. I was furious. Notice the past tense. I was mad because I had no hope in hell of getting a wristband. Yes, I was willing to fork over the $30.00 for a t-shirt and a poster and mega hours of waiting in line with thousands of screaming teens. How come all of us out here in the Twilight universe knew that it was going to be a clusterfuck from the get go?

Was it all a calculated ploy by Summit and Hot Topic to drive sales? Pretty much. Build it, and they will come. Period. Summit relied on the teen driven fanbase to supply much needed hysteria. You don't have to pay a single cent to get that kind of publicity. And guess who got hurt in the long run? Our man Rob was subjected to mass hysteria at levels that no human should have to endure. My heart bled for him everytime I saw each stress inducing appearance.

But here is the crux of all said mass hysteria. Did all the screaming and mayhem stop me from going to see the movie? Nope. Not one bit. I can bitch and moan about how the whole thing was handled and how the cast was pimped out...but how many of us stood in line for a midnight show or the first showing on Friday morning, November 21, 2008? Does that make me a hypocrite?

Deep down, yeah, I feel like one. I hate myself for bitching about the shameless promotion of the movie and the cast. But at the same time, my love for Twilight and Rob runs deep. Nothing, I mean, nothing short of an act of God was going to keep me from seeing this movie.

So what does that say about me and all the others? Not a damn thing. Because when all is said and done, it's nothing but a book, a movie and a talented cast bringing a little fantasy to us when we need it most. Things in our country right now are tenuous at the best. We all have no idea when and if the bottom is going to fall out. So I say bravo to those who brought us "Twilight" The Movie, when we needed it the most.

Personally, today I enjoyed escaping from my troubles. I enjoyed reliving a story that made me feel like the 17 year old that got lost years ago. If I can escape my daily crap by living through Edward and Bella for 2 hours...Hell , sign me up!

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