Monday, June 7, 2010

Underwhelmed and Over It!

Dear Kristen,

Too little. Too late.

You can smile all you want, try to even pretend that you actually give a shit about the MTV awards. even surprised us and actually said Thank You to the Twilight Franchise.

I hate to say it...but Rob standing behind you in that picture?......Yeah. I may need help for the psychotic fantasies running through my head right now. Can't even begin to say how many of us Twilight fans want to be in that position.

I'm so tired of you.

I'm tired of your boredom towards the fans. I'm tired of your incessant need to bite the hand that feeds you. I'm tired of your condescending attitude. I'm just flat ass tired of you.

Want to hear the sad part...? I am debating on whether I actually want to line your pockets on opening day with my hardearned money. I love the Twilight Saga and your ungrateful ass is ruining it for me.

I'm sure my love and devotion to RPattz will win out in the long run. That and the fact that "Eclipse" was my fav book in the series.

If MTV gave out awards for best couple...It would so be Rob and Taylor.

Your less than energetic performance as Bella in "New Moon" makes me dread "Eclipse" even more. Oh well. There is always Jackson and Nikki to look at. Plus...Xavier Samuel just might steal the show....

So take some time to really appreciate your fans. Seriously. You would be nowhere without them.


Anonymous said...

ou are one f@cked up person! Guess what you are the type of fan that Rob dispises!

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was despises!

Jewels64 said...



You diss me then apologize for misspelling a word? That my dear friend is just hilarious beyond all belief.

Do you have Rob on your speed dial? Did he tell you personally that he hates fans like me? If you have an inside track to him my dear, we are about to be besties. Seriously. If you are talking to Rob...I so want to be there!

Honestly...go back and read what you wrote. I am a fucked up person. I've been around this world long enough to realize that people like KStew need a little comeuppance in this world. Wanna know what pisses me off?

She never wanted him until he became the hottest man on the planet and she treats him like shit. I'm sorry for him that he allows it. But we all can't honestly pick who we fall in love with now can we?

I just want to be there to hug him when she fries his ass for the latest and greatest...Right now it is him. Tomorrow...I hope to hell she is gone and never gets the chance. Rob deserves better.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jewel64,

i don't think your 'over it' yet (like, at all) and you seem very overwhelmed. good luck with that.