Tuesday, November 16, 2010

OH HELL! Where did the time go?

Alright people. I owe you a big apology. An incredibly huge apology.

I disappeared off the damned radar.

Yeah...met a boy, kissed him...and I liked him!

So much so that we are getting ready to move in together tomorrow. What does this have to do with Rob Pattinson...Um....Um....

Here's the skinny (kinda like Rob in his FOL's in Brazil)...

My SO has only an inkling of my Robsession. When I start to unpack boxes in our new home he's gonna know just how bad it is. Now granted it's slowed quite a bit since I have a real man to do the things to me that I fantasized about Rob doing. Better yet...this man makes me forget who I am at times!

Still, I'm worried that he's going to think that I'm just a relentless cougar with a huge sexual appetite. **TEE HEE**

So my SO is 2 years younger...do I still qualify as a cougar? As far as the relentless sexual appetite? Well you know what they say about younger men and older women..... LOL!!!!