It's bad enough that you've tortured me non freaking stop for the last 35 days shooting "Remember Me."
Yeah. No problem here remembering you Sweet Cheeks.
But do you have to keep doing photo shoots like this? I mean seriously....I about damn near passed out when I saw these today!
Thank God this old cougar had her delicious young boy toy near by. Boy toy said to thank you by the way....
I guess I also owe you a debt of gratitude as well. See, I was having total writer's block on my story on a freaking lemon of all things. Yeah...writer's block was blown into oblivion today! Now my poor brain is inundated with all the insanely hot images of wet, rough looking and just sinfully sexy you. We're talking baskets of fucking lemons!
So, off I go to pick my favorite lemon...see ya between the sheets later Baby!