Saturday, May 23, 2009

Celebrating Rob's Glory at Cannes

The major influx of pictures at Cannes 2009 inspired me to make this video. I wanted something quick and easy at my fingertips to be able to stare at his Holy Freaking Hotness with a really groovy song attached to it. It's my form of Rob Crack. It's addicting really!!!

Hope you all enjoy my feeble attempts to entertain you. It served its purpose of entertaining the living hell out of my while being laid up with strep throat!

Now...when are those first pix from Italy going to start appearing?........

Oh and yeah...that song that rocks the video...Muse's "Feeling Good".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This should be illegal.............

It should be illegal for someone to be this freaking hot. I have just spent the last 15 minutes literally weeping over the beauty of this man. I cannot believe that he has this effect on me!!! What the hell is wrong with me. I have a lovely significant other (who is significantly the same age as Rob) that I find to be sexy, adorable, fun.....

But Holy Jesus, this man sets my soul alight. What would happen to me if I ever met him in person? I hope that I would at least have enough class to make sure that I have a napkin to wipe away an excessive drooling that may occur. Having a long string of spit fall down across my breasts may be hot in a porno movie....but not if you are standing in front of this Greek God!!!

So I sit here and wonder how long this beautiful star is going to shine in the heavens of my universe? I am hoping it will be a very long time. He has wit, genuine humility, loads of talent, and a family that supports him and loves him dearly. He seems to make friends for life and that quality alone makes him even sexier. What I wouldn't give to be a friend of Robert Pattinson.....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday My Future Ex-Husband to Be!!!

So WOW!!!

Big day Doggie Daddy!!!

You just turned 23!!!


Now I don't feel so bad admiring your incredibly firm, gravity defying ass, that lovely peaches and cream Brit skin, fingers of legendary mythology (I'm sure all of us would suffer Le Petit Morte gladly and LOUDLY at the diabolical touch of those fingers...) SEX HAIR DELUXE....

Your wicked ass grin alone causes puddle knickers....And lets not forget the lusty laugh that seems to come from your socks!!!! SO FREAKING HOT!!!

How does it feel to be the speculation of such tawdry gossip?

How does it feel to be the star of some really disturbing fantasies of mine involving Melissa Rosenberg?

Trust me...that is a topic for another blog posting.....

GAH!!! I am rambling...I keep getting lost in the HAWTNESS that is you. But all physical (and all Funland Adventure filled nonstop thrill action) attributes aside...

I love you for your brain. Yep. I said it people!! I love him for his brain. He has a nonstop, unfiltered, knee jerk reaction for everything!

If that isn't FUCKHOT....I don't know what is.....


Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Cullen Boys are killing me!

So...yeah....Can you tell I'm jonesing for "NEW MOON"? I've spent so much time looking for pictures that just rock my socks off! These pix are just totes sublime!!!
Just thought I spread (ha ha! I said "spread") some Cullen Boy hawtness!!! FUCKHAWTNESS!

Fade Into You

So, I was thinking that the Robster's birthday is coming up. What to do....what to do? Do I make an embarrassing video of myself gushing how hot I think he is and that I think he farts rainbows and sunshine and the birds are singing....

Oh Hell to the NO! Rob deserves more than a fangurl squee from me. Rob my darling...I would so love to fade into you...

Happy Birthday Hotness! I just adore you!

Much XOXO!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

How To Be

How cute is this face? How gorgeous is this man? I couldn't agree more with Goz (my GO TO ROB GODDESS!!!) from the fab-u-lous blog "Robsessed!" that people shouldn't have copied this movie and put it out there for free.

The makers of this movie deserve so much more respect than what is being given to them. I hate that people will go to lengths to obtain newly released movies without having to pay the full amount of admission to a movie. Would it fucking kill you to get your lazy ass out of bed and go to an early matinee for $5.oo?

Seriously...I don't want to take money out of Rob's pocket, or his co-stars pocket, or any hard working individual who gave their time, talent and hard work to bring this lovely project to us.

No. I haven't seen the film. I've seen clips, I've heard from friends. I had the worst case of guilt ever when I downloaded "TWILIGHT" for free. I won't make the same mistake again.....