Saturday, May 2, 2009

How To Be

How cute is this face? How gorgeous is this man? I couldn't agree more with Goz (my GO TO ROB GODDESS!!!) from the fab-u-lous blog "Robsessed!" that people shouldn't have copied this movie and put it out there for free.

The makers of this movie deserve so much more respect than what is being given to them. I hate that people will go to lengths to obtain newly released movies without having to pay the full amount of admission to a movie. Would it fucking kill you to get your lazy ass out of bed and go to an early matinee for $5.oo?

Seriously...I don't want to take money out of Rob's pocket, or his co-stars pocket, or any hard working individual who gave their time, talent and hard work to bring this lovely project to us.

No. I haven't seen the film. I've seen clips, I've heard from friends. I had the worst case of guilt ever when I downloaded "TWILIGHT" for free. I won't make the same mistake again.....

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