Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday My Future Ex-Husband to Be!!!

So WOW!!!

Big day Doggie Daddy!!!

You just turned 23!!!


Now I don't feel so bad admiring your incredibly firm, gravity defying ass, that lovely peaches and cream Brit skin, fingers of legendary mythology (I'm sure all of us would suffer Le Petit Morte gladly and LOUDLY at the diabolical touch of those fingers...) SEX HAIR DELUXE....

Your wicked ass grin alone causes puddle knickers....And lets not forget the lusty laugh that seems to come from your socks!!!! SO FREAKING HOT!!!

How does it feel to be the speculation of such tawdry gossip?

How does it feel to be the star of some really disturbing fantasies of mine involving Melissa Rosenberg?

Trust me...that is a topic for another blog posting.....

GAH!!! I am rambling...I keep getting lost in the HAWTNESS that is you. But all physical (and all Funland Adventure filled nonstop thrill action) attributes aside...

I love you for your brain. Yep. I said it people!! I love him for his brain. He has a nonstop, unfiltered, knee jerk reaction for everything!

If that isn't FUCKHOT....I don't know what is.....


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